YesYouCan Ancient Grains Pancake is made with quinoa, sorghum and buckwheat for a healthy breakfast option.
Yes You Can Ancient Grains Pancake Mix
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Vegan and with a health star rating of 3.5 stars you can enjoy these guilt-free. Convenient and easy to prepare, just add water, shake and pan fry.
Ingredients: Maize Starch, Rice Flour, Brown Sugar, Maize Flour, Sorghum Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Raising Agents (Gluconodeltalactone, Potassium Bicarbonate), Mineral Salt (Monocalcium Phosphate), Cinnamon, Vanilla Flavour, Thickener (Xanthan Gum).
Endorsed by Coeliac Australia
YesYouCan Gluten Free Products follows strict quality assurance guidelines and is also endorsed by Coeliac Australia as well as HACCP approved.
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